The PRECOG Web Services are a collection of HTTP interfaces to our base algorithm library. These interfaces gives a developer access to some of methods to process growth data from his/her own code via the internet.

Currently you can find the following methods:

Process each optical density data series such that the blank is subtracted and noise and bias removed.
Converts the raw optical density into the corresponding population size estimate (true optical density).
Process each optical density data series such that the blank is subtracted, calibration to population size estimates is performed and noise and bias removed. It requeries a valid trueODCalibration function.
Extract fitness components from a valid input file containing raw optical densities.
Extract fitness components from a valid input file containing raw optical densities, first calibrating raw optical densities into population size estimates. Requires a valid trueODcalibration.
Returns true if the true OD calibration function is valid.

To explore the API (Application Programming Interface) in detail press here.