PRECOG was originally designed to handle microcultivation data generated by the automatic recording of growth via the Bioscreen C machines. As such it supports two types of Bioscreen imports:

  • Bioscreen XL~ Export: XL~
  • Bioscreen comma-separated values Export: CSV

Also, to facilitate the import from other platforms, a generic format was included.

  • Generic growth-data tab-delimited Files: TXT

Format Details

PRECOG expects the import file to strictly follow the formats mention above. Any deviation may cuase the import from happening.

Bioscreen files should not be edited. If they are, make sure they keep their original formatting or risk problems with the import process.

Generic growth-data files should be formatted using the following layout and exported as tab-delimited text files.

Generic growth-data layout

Time Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 ... Sample n
Time record ##.#### ##.#### ##.#### ##.#### ... ##.####
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Time record ##.#### ##.#### ##.#### ##.#### ... ##.####

Press the button to see an

tab-delimited layout example


Time record: A valid Time record can be of the form:
  • Time Stamp: DD HH:MM:SS E.g. 01 14:15:10
  • 10ths of second: nnnnnn (where n is a digit) E.g. 12000
Sample values: Samples values are expected as real numbers with a period . as a decimal symbol

In our road map we have the intension to expand PRECOG and support other types of phenotyping platforms allowing us to standardise data processing to facilitate database handling and support data comparisons from different laboratories.